What happens when I sign up for online coaching?

How does online nutrition coaching work?

Are you interested in getting a coach to help you with nutrition and training for weight loss, health, and body composition changes? Listed below is the detailed online coaching process.

The starting process

  1. Have a free non-obligation call with Hannah Sweetman Nutrition to talk over if coaching is right for you. You will be sent a Google form before this call for me to gain some information regarding what you are looking to achieve with coaching.
  2. If you decide coaching is right for you and your goals, you will receive a consultation form and a 3-7-day food diary to fill in the week before your consultation call. The consultation call will take place in the upcoming week to get started with the coaching process.
  3. Before our scheduled consultation call you will need to have filled out the consultation form and emailed over the 3-7-day food diary to review before we have our call/meeting.
  4. We will then have a consultation call/meeting (45-60mins) to talk through your consultation form, your food diary and your goals for the coaching period. Together we will develop a plan to help you work towards achieving your goals that suits your lifestyle. To help educate you at the start of the coaching process we will use one of the following methods to assess dietary intake/choices:
  • Written food diary 
  • Excel sheet Diet Builder
  • Habit tracker
  • My Fitness Pal 
  • Meal Templates are designed for your tastes, goals and preferences.

The stages of the online coaching process.

Consultation phase: During our consultation and first meeting…

  • We will discuss what aspects of your current lifestyle you are willing to change and what barriers you may have towards change? 
  • You will receive your caloric needs and what requirements you have for the different macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, fats). 
  • These will be used alongside a weekly targets approach. This is where we will start to learn about the habits that will have the biggest impact on your success. Once you have mastered the foundational targets we can then look to add more as the coaching process develops. 
  • We will review the best way for you to monitor your success. This can be achieved via progress photos, measurements, daily scale weight (weekly averages) or using clothing as a progress checker. 
  • We will also look to monitor your training and activity levels to gain an understanding of how active you are.

Coaching (education) phase: During our weekly/fortnightly meetings, you will learn…

  • Appropriate portion sizes for your energy requirements.
  • How to manage hyper-palatable type foods and social occasions using a logical dose of enjoyment method.
  • About calories and become calorie conscious. 
  • About portion sizes for your energy requirements and body composition goals. How to put meals together with the correct amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fats for your energy requirements. 
  • You will establish the habits needed to fulfil a healthy lifestyle. 

Transition phase: Learning how to maintain your new body composition phase.

  • Reducing the number of days tracked e.g., moving to weekend tracking only.
  • Move back to a handwritten food diary or other simpler/less time consuming tracking method.
  • Remove all food logging daily and do it intermittently (one day a week or month etc). 
  • Just using your non-negotiables list to keep you in line with your overall goal of body composition maintenance. 
  • Removal of all external tracking. Learning the ability to listen to body cues e.g., hunger and satiation.

New lifestyle phase: To ensure long term (yearly) weight maintenance you will want to keep an eye on some external measures on an infrequent basis.

  • Infrequent tracking usually on new foods or meals that you may need educating to become aware of their caloric cost. 
  • Body composition photos, weekly scale weights and clothing check-ins will also allow you to notice if you are moving away from your weight maintenance goal. 
  • During this phase, you will be given guidance on a threshold of 3% increases or decreases to maintain your new body composition. You will also be given guidance as to what to do if you move outside of these threshold points that deem weight maintenance is no longer being sustained.

If the online nutrition coaching process listed above would support you in achieving your weight loss or health goals please get in contact to book your no-obligation call with Hannah. You can book a call by clicking the learn more link below.

Interested in Coaching?

Hannah Sweetman Nutrition is an online coaching service that will work with you towards your ideal lifestyle.

If you'd like to know more about coaching please fill out the form by clicking learn more link.